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The Secretary of State for Defence concludes the 5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D - DESEi+d 2017

The Secretary of State for Defence concludes the 5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D - DESEi+d 2017

The Secretary of State for Defence, Agustín Conde, closed out the 5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D, which was held from 22 to 24 November at the Infantry Academy in Toledo and organised by the Ministry of Defence’s Sub-Directorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation (SDGPLATIN), in collaboration with Isdefe.

The Congress has turned into a prominent gathering for presenting the results of the most recent technological and scientific work, facilitating the exchange of expertise, ideas and research projects in various areas of knowledge.

El Secretario de Estado de Defensa clausura el V Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad - DESEi+d 2017

El Secretario de Estado de Defensa clausura el V Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad - DESEi+d 2017

El secretario de Estado de Defensa, Agustín Conde, ha clausurado el V Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad que se ha celebrado entre los días 22 y 24 de noviembre en la Academia de Infantería de Toledo, organizado por la Subdirección General de Planificación Tecnología e Innovación (SDGPLATIN) del Ministerio de Defensa, con la colaboración de Isdefe. 


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