Global compact

In 2009 Isdefe signed on to the United Nations' Global Compact, an international initiative that encourages companies to commit to ensuring that their strategy and their daily operations comply with the ten basic principles of conduct and action in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. By creating a global corporate citizenship, this initiative aims to reconcile the demands of civil society, of the third sector, of unions and of educational institutions with the interests and processes of corporate activity.
Annual Sustainability Reports
Since 2009 Isdefe has been committed to socially responsible management by publishing annual sustainability reports that reflect the company's financial, social and environmental performance. These reports are prepared in keeping with the directives and principles of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), as detailed in GRI's guidelines for sustainable reporting. The company has attained an A rating as per version G3.1 the last the years in a row.
Code of Ethics
On 8 March 2013 the company’s new Code of Ethics went into effect, applicable to all Isdefe directors and employees, as well as to the administrators exercising the functions assigned to them as members of the Board of Directors.
The Code of Ethics provides a model for the behaviour of the professionals who make up Isdefe as they carry out their work, a model that is based on the principles of integrity, professionalism and respect.
By publishing this Code, Isdefe is affirming its working commitment to transparent management and social responsibility.