Cuadernos de Isdefe | ISDEFE

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At the beginning of the 1990s, coinciding with its 10th anniversary, Isdefe developed a series of monographs related to Systems Engineering with the aim of disseminating in Spain the knowledge acquired by its professionals in different fields of engineering.

A few months before our 40th anniversary, Isdefe publishes its new edition of Notebooks which, based on the experience accumulated, includes both the technologies and methodologies applied in Systems Engineering in the processes of developing new capabilities, and modernising and transforming the Administration.

The objective of the Notebooks is twofold, on the one hand, to give a new impetus to the dissemination of the fundamentals of all aspects related to the world of engineering, and on the other, to offer the opportunity to Isdefe members and renowned experts in the field to transmit the knowledge acquired in studies and work carried out.

Each of the chapters of the notebooks has a short introductory video by its authors. For any queries, please contact [email protected]




Introduction to Systems Engineering in the 21st Century                                                      Youtube videos