
Meeting at Isdefe of the 3rd NGWS/FCAS Steering Committee

Meeting at Isdefe of the 3rd NGWS/FCAS Steering Committee

On 5 and 6 November, the Isdefe headquarters hosted the meeting of the 3rd Steering Committee for the NGWS/FCAS (Next Generation Weapon System /Future Combar Air System (FCAS) to finalise Spain’s entry into the programme.

University of Granada/Army Training and Doctrine Command Congress

University of Granada/Army Training and Doctrine Command Congress

The “Army, Business and Knowledge, A Strategic Alliance for the 2035 Horizon” congress was held in the city of Granada from 22 to 24 October, jointly organised by the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (MADOC), the University of Granada and this university’s Social Board.

Isdefe presents the ARES-UTM proyect results at the 14th annual Systems Engineering Conference in Anchorange, Alaska

Isdefe presents the ARES-UTM proyect results at the 14th annual Systems Engineering Conference in Anchorange, Alaska

The 14th annual Systems Engineering Conference, organised by the IEEE System, Man, Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Reliability Society, in concert with the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), of whose Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) Isdefe has been a member since 2017, was held in Anchorage, Alaska from 19 to 22 May.

Meeting of the Council of Presidents of EURODEFENSE in Madrid

Meeting of the Council of Presidents of EURODEFENSE in Madrid

Isdefe collaborated with the “Council of Presidents of the fourteen countries in the EuroDefense network” at its annual meeting, organised by EuroDefense – Spain and held in Madrid from 23 to 25 May.

Plenary meeting of the Isdefe Horizons Network

Plenary meeting of the Isdefe Horizons Network

The directors of Isdefe’s Horizons Network met on 14 May at Isdefe to take stock of the 2018 fiscal year and to address the areas of activity implemented in 2019.
The meeting was opened by Mr Jesús Alonso, Isdefe’s Director of Business Development, who started by welcoming all the attendees and noting the Network’s importance to Isdefe’s R&D strategy.

Then, the coordinator of the Horizons Network, Mr Daniel Mosquera, Head of R&D at Isdefe, discussed the current status of the network, the short- and medium-term plans and the tools av

1st Workshop to welcome Isdefe trainees

1st Workshop to welcome Isdefe trainees

On Thursday, 9 May, the 1st workshop to welcome trainees who are doing their internships at the company was held at the assembly hall in Isdefe’s headquarters

The workshop, organised by Isdefe’s Internship Programme Management Committee, was created to welcome the interns, improve their knowledge of the company and exchange impressions and experiences in an informal setting. These interns could someday become part of the company’s staff.

2nd Public Contracting Workshop: Analysis of In-House Resources in the Current Legal System

2nd Public Contracting Workshop: Analysis of In-House Resources in the Current Legal System

Isdefe’s CEO, Mr Francisco Quereda, and the Director of Planning and Financing, Mr Victor Díaz, took part in the “2nd Public Contracting Workshop: Analysis of In-House Resources in the Current Legal System”, which was organised on 25 April by the National Audit Office of the General Intervention Board of the State Administration (IGAE) and the Institute of Fiscal Studies, both part of the Revenue Ministry.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Isdefe publishes a best practice on the platform of the United Nations Global Compact

World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Isdefe publishes a best practice on the platform of the United Nations Global Compact

To celebrate World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which was observed on 28 April, Isdefe published a Best Practice on the platform of the United Nations Global Compact about its “Healthy Company” management model.

This practice was disseminated on the Global Compact platform and on the Twitter account of the Spanish Network of the Global Compact as an example of Isdefe’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3, whose purpose is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

Practical seminar on managing European funds, organised by Isdefe

Practical seminar on managing European funds, organised by Isdefe

On 8 and 9 April, Isdefe organised and hosted at its headquarters a “Practical Seminar on Managing European Funds: Present and Future”, which featured representatives from the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) and the European Commission.

Isdefe takes part in the 5th Edition of SYMDEX

Isdefe takes part in the 5th Edition of SYMDEX

Under the “Universe 4.0, the digital transformation in defence” slogan, the 5th edition of the Defence Maintenance and Modernisation Workshop (SYMDEX) was held in Madrid, at the Army’s Advanced Technical School, from 2 to 4 April.