
Full house at Isdefe to present the 6th DESEi+d Congress and the "Isdefe R&D book prize"

Full house at Isdefe to present the 6th DESEi+d Congress and the "Isdefe R&D book prize"

This Monday, at the Isdefe assembly hall, the Sub-Directorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation of the Directorate General for Armaments and Materiel, the Directorate General for Military Recruiting and Training, and Defence University Centres and Isdefe presented the 6th Congress for R&D in Defence and Security (DESEi+d 2018).

Presentation of the 6th edition of the 2018 DESEI+d Congress at Isdefe

Presentation of the 6th edition of the 2018 DESEI+d Congress at Isdefe

On May 7, the presentation ceremony will take place for the 6th edition of the DESEI+d Congress, which will be held in November. The event will also serve to present the book “Isdefe R&D Awards. The Ten Finalist Articles from the 2017 DESEi+d.

Isdefe at the "26th Advanced Logistics Management Course”

Isdefe at the "26th Advanced Logistics Management Course”

The advanced logistics management course of the Ministry of Defence’s Armed Forces College (ESFAS) is intended to complement the training of personnel stationed in top-level logistics management posts, and of civilians with managerial jobs in Defence-oriented companies. It is designed to increase their ability and resources to handle the complex problems involved in Advanced Logistics Management.

Isdefe takes part in the World Border Security Congress

Isdefe takes part in the World Border Security Congress

The 2018 World Border Security Congress (WBSC) was held in Madrid from 20 to 22 March. The WBSC is the premier international platform for bringing together leaders in border protection and management policies and professionals from the security sector to discuss the international challenges facing border protection.

Isdefe at "Anti-Drone Technology Workshop: Detecting and Neutralising drones"

Isdefe at "Anti-Drone Technology Workshop: Detecting and Neutralising drones"

This technology workshop, organised by the Association for the Promotion of Strategic Technologies and Industries (APTIE), in concert with the Ministries of the Interior and Defence, was held on 15 March at the facilities of the El Pardo Technology Security Centre (CETSE).

1st Digital Transformation Congress organised, with Isdefe’s participation

1st Digital Transformation Congress organised, with Isdefe’s participation

The 1st Digital Transformation Congress in Alcorcón (Digit@lcor), organised by the National Cybersecurity Institute (Incibe), was held this past 7 March at the Viñagrande Cultural Centre. The event, which was attended by over 200 people, dealt with new technologies and the future challenges posed by smart cities.

Isdefe at the 44th edition of SATELEC 2018

Isdefe at the 44th edition of SATELEC 2018

Isdefe took part in the Job and Technology Forum, SATELEC 2018, with a stand at the event, which was held on 7 and 8 March and organised by the Society of Telecommunications Students at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSIT-UPM). The event was visited by large numbers of people, with many companies taking part in this latest edition.

Isdefe at the World ATM Congress

Isdefe at the World ATM Congress

Now in its sixth year and organised by the Civil Aviation Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) and the Air Traffic Control Association, the World ATM Congress will be held from 6 to 8 March at the Madrid fairgrounds (IFEMA), where Isdefe will be present at stand 145, Pavilion 10 (north entrance).

This is the world’s largest international exhibit and conference on air traffic management (ATM), bringing together experts and technical developers, as well as air navigation service providers and industry representatives, drawing over 7,500 people every year.