
Isdefe joins the “Diario de Vida” (Life Diary) project of the Sandra Ibarra Solidarity Foundation against Cancer

Isdefe joins the “Diario de Vida” (Life Diary) project of the Sandra Ibarra Solidarity Foundation against Cancer

Isdefe is supporting this project of the Sandra Ibarra Foundation, a non-profit organisation devoted to financing research projects and to promoting cancer awareness campaigns. The project kicks off on 15 November with the presentation of the book Diario de vida, written by journalist Juan Ramón Lucas.  

2nd Space Engineering Congress

2nd Space Engineering Congress

Spain’s Official Institute of Aeronautical Engineers and the Spanish Association of Aeronautical Engineers will organise the 2nd Space Engineering Congress from 22 to 24 November at the headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Engineering.

Isdefe Partners with the Air Force´s Awarde for Excellence in Maintenance and Safety

Isdefe Partners with the Air Force´s Awarde for Excellence in Maintenance and Safety

Isdefe was present at the presentation of the 35th Awards for Excellence in Maintenance, Flight Safety and Safety in Weapons Handling, which it supports in an effort to recognise the efforts made in the Air Force to ensure quality technology and engineering services.

The ceremony was led by the Air Force Chief of Staff, General Javier Salto Martínez-Avial, who was accompanied by members of the Air Force’s High Council, as well as by civilian and military authorities.

FEI – ISDEFE Workshop: Relevance of University-Corporate Cooperation. Innovation Networks

FEI – ISDEFE Workshop: Relevance of University-Corporate Cooperation. Innovation Networks

Isdefe and the Foro de Empresas Innovadoras (Forum of Innovative Companies) are organising the workshop on “The Relevance of University-Corporate Cooperation. Innovation Networks”, to be held on 15 November.

The workshop will be held at Isdefe’s headquarters and will provide a forum to debate the development of university-corporate relations in Spain. It is structured into two sessions, one on the training and employability of Spanish university students, and the other on the generation and transfer of knowledge, and entrepreneurship.

Isdefe gathers the CSR Working Group in the Public Sector

Isdefe gathers the CSR Working Group in the Public Sector

On 24 October, Isdefe hosted a working group of state-owned companies interested in collaborating on projects and initiatives that promote the advancement of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The event was attended by CSR officers from AENA, the Spanish postal service, ENAIRE, ICO, INECO, the national lottery company, Metro Madrid, RENFE and TRAGSA

Isdefe Publishes its 2016 General Annual Report

Isdefe Publishes its 2016 General Annual Report

Isdefe is releasing its 2016 Annual Report, which describes the activities of the company, its financial results and relevant information in the areas of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, and provides an overview of the organisation for the last fiscal year.

In addition to the usual formats available on www.annualreportisdefe.com, the 2016 Report is being published for the first time on a dedicated website, to make it easy for our stakeholders to read and access the information.