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LinkedIn presents Isdefe its “Best Talent Acquisition Team” award

LinkedIn presents Isdefe its “Best Talent Acquisition Team” award

Ruth María Escobar, head of the Selection and Professional Development Department at Isdefe, received the award on Thursday, 9 March, on behalf of Isdefe's selection team, consisting of Ana Díez, Raúl Losada, Vanesa Roldán and Cristina Salgado.

LinkedIn presents its “Talent Awards” annually in five categories, including the “Best Talent Acquisition Team” category, which has six sub-categories, including “Government”, which our company won.

Isdefe has a stand at the SATELEC 2023 Job Fair

Isdefe has a stand at the SATELEC 2023 Job Fair

In its 49th edition, Satelec returns to an in-person format. Isdefe participates in the fair with a stand and a conference by Monica Bouzo Álvarez, head of the Cybersecurity in Public Administrations Department at Isdefe.

“Telcos in the Public Administration and Defence” is the title of the conference that Isdefe engineer Monica Bouzo gave at Satelec, with the aim of showcasing the opportunities that a telecommunications engineer may have in the cybersecurity sector, especially in the field of defence.

4th Edition of the Small Satellites & Services International Forum (SSSIF2023)

4th Edition of the Small Satellites & Services International Forum (SSSIF2023)

Andrea Iglesias, Head of the Air and Marine CIS Department at Isdefe, takes part in the Small Satellites and Defence Applications panel of this fourth edition of the SSSIF.

The Small Satellites & Services International Forum was held between 21 and 23 February in the city of Malaga, with record attendance figures thanks to the 350+ attendees from 20 countries, 142 companies in the sector and 13 universities.

In her presentation, the Isdefe engineer asked the question, “Can we live without satellites?"

The Isdefe/CETEDEX-UJA Chair is created as part of the Isdefe Horizons Network

The Isdefe/CETEDEX-UJA Chair is created as part of the Isdefe Horizons Network

In the presence of the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, the Secretary of State for Defence and President of Isdefe, María Amparo Valcarce, and the Rector of the University of Jaén, Juan Gómez, sign the agreement creating the Isdefe/CETEDEX-UJA Chair.

Isdefe hosts the Government Meeting with the Defence Industry

Isdefe hosts the Government Meeting with the Defence Industry

On Friday, January 20, at the headquarters of Isdefe, a meeting took place involving several ministerial departments and representatives of Spanish companies in the sector, in order to present to the attendees the main points of the Industrial Defence Strategy. 

Isdefe Assumes the Vice-presidency of the Working Group for the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals

Isdefe Assumes the Vice-presidency of the Working Group for the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals

In collaboration with ADIF, Isdefe has assumed the Vice-presidency of the Working Group on the Collaboration Agreement Between State Entities and Companies and the Secretariat of State for the 2030 Agenda, which strives toward the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals in our country.