
Isdefe takes part in the iDΣΛ Challenge workshop at ETSIAE

Isdefe takes part in the iDΣΛ Challenge workshop at ETSIAE

Engineer José Pablo Haro Rodríguez, from Isdefe’s Transport and ICT Department, mentored one of the teams created to compete in this educational project.

The iDΣΛ Challenge is a project in innovative education that, in keeping with the Design Thinking methodology, asks Master’s and senior-year undergraduate students at the Advanced School for Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIA) to solve an actual technological challenge.

Isdefe collaborates with the 2021 Women Pioneers IT Award

Isdefe collaborates with the 2021 Women Pioneers IT Award

The Women Pioneers_IT Award was created in 2019 by the IT Women Working Group of the Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT) in an effort to showcase the contributions and achievements that have been made in society thanks to the presence of female talent in the field of technology and, in particular, in telecommunications.

Isdefe is extensively involved in the telecommunications sector, and thus shares in the objective of the COIT and these awards, as evidenced by the company's commitment to equality in the sectors in which it operates.

19th Conference of the Círculo Foundation

19th Conference of the Círculo Foundation

María Jesús Llordén, Manager of Tactical Platforms and Systems at Isdefe's Defence and Security Department, was the Company's representative at the Círculo Foundation's 19th Conference on Defence and Security Technologies.

The conference was held at the facilities of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) in Torrejón de Ardoz under the slogan “Towards a new digitised, hyper-connected, autonomous and intelligent scenario", on 29 and 30 September.

MEDEA launches an open call for ideas and solutions.

MEDEA launches an open call for ideas and solutions.

On Monday, 21 September, MEDEA launched an open call to receive ideas and solutions to the needs that have been identified over the course of the project.

The call for ideas is directed mainly to research centres, universities and private researchers, and those that are selected will receive prizes in different categories.

Isdefe joins the #apoyamoslosODS (We Support the SDG) campaign promoted by the United Nations Global Compact Spain.

Isdefe joins the #apoyamoslosODS (We Support the SDG) campaign promoted by the United Nations Global Compact Spain.

The goal of the #apoyamoslosODS campaign is to provide a platform to achieve a magnifying effect and to disseminate and further the 2030 Agenda.

Corporate management based on the SDGs creates new business opportunities, improves relationships with stakeholders and promotes innovation.

Isdefe renews its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact

Isdefe renews its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact

For the eleventh year in a row, Isdefe has renewed its commitment to adhere to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact and to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by validating its "Non-Financial Information Status Report" as a COP (Communication on Progress) report and publishing it on the Global Compact website.

13th Seminar "Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications"

13th Seminar "Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications"

From 1 to 3 September, the 13th seminar on "Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications", in which Isdefe took part, was held in Santander.

The seminar covered an agenda that played out over a series of conferences and round tables focused on space issues of relevance to the Spanish space industry, the Armed Forces and the Administration within the national scenario and the European context.

Isdefe joins the “Caring Company, Extraordinary Company" campaign

Isdefe joins the “Caring Company, Extraordinary Company" campaign

The “Caring Company, Extraordinary Company" campaign was launched by the Revenue Ministry in 2019 and coordinated by the Third Sector Platform.

It is a voluntary campaign through which companies can decide whether to check the “Caring X” box in their corporate tax return, which allocates 0.7% of their taxes to social causes.

The campaign involves checking box 00073 in Form 200, and box 069 in Form 220, of the corporate tax returns.

"Conecta Ingeniería: Proyecto Siglo, A Network at the Service of Security"

"Conecta Ingeniería: Proyecto Siglo, A Network at the Service of Security"

On June 30 Engineer Dalmau López Díaz, in the Electronic Warfare and Public Safety area of Isdefe's Defence and Security Directorate, participated on the Conecta Ingeniería radio programme broadcast by Capital Radio, where, together with Manuel Izquierdo Colmenero, Director of the Siglo-CD Project, he explained the details of this project.

SIGLO-CD is the Secretary of State's (Interior Ministry) Global System Against Drones, for all of Spain.

This system, whose development is still in progress, features the following notable elements: