icono ePOOLICE (Early Pursuit against Organized Crime Using EnvirOnmental Scanning, the Law and Intelligence Systems)

ePOOLICE (Early Pursuit against Organized Crime Using EnvirOnmental Scanning, the Law and Intelligence Systems)

Entidad financiadora: 

European Commission (EC) DG-HOME


 Isdefe (Coordinator), University of Granada, D4TEC APS, Thales Nederland, Aalborg University, Spain’s Ministry of the Interior, Fraunhofer, Europol, West Yorkshire Authority, and others.

The main goal of ePOOLICE, which was coordinated by Isdefe, was to develop an effective and efficient system to monitor the environment as part of an early-warning system to detect emerging organised crime activities.

The project was based on refining strategic analysis methods and on developing technical tools to support these methods. The solutions proposed were tested and evaluated by running realistic use case scenarios that were developed with help from the end users.

Specifically, the main scenarios chosen for the proof of concept were cocaine smuggling, human trafficking and the theft of copper. Central to the solution was the development of an environmental knowledge repository (EKR) of all relevant information and knowledge, including scanned information and derived, learned or hypothesized knowledge, as well as the metadata needed for credibility and confidence assessments, traceability, and privacy protection management.

For effective and efficient utilization, as well as for interoperability, the repository applied a standard representation form for all information and knowledge. For effective and efficient scanning of the raw information sources, the project developed an intelligent environmental radar that utilizes the knowledge repository to focus the monitoring.


Defensa y Seguridad
Fecha inicio: 
January, 2013
Fecha final: 
December, 2015