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Mon, 05 Jul 2021
"Space Science Experience (2020-2021) Awards Ceremony"

Isaac Domínguez, Isdefe's Space and Technological Centres Director, and Ildefonso Vera Gómez, Innovation, Processes and Transformation Manager in Isdefe's Business Development department took part in the Space Science Experience Awards Ceremony held on 28 June at the Madrid Planetarium

In 2015, Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research (CesaR) launched the "Space Science Experience" programme for primary and secondary school students; a "scientific experience" solving an Astrophysics puzzle guided by "Space experts".

Fri, 02 Jul 2021
"Summer course "Outer space: Technologies and Systems for a New Conflict Scenario".

On 30 June and 1 July, the seventh summer course of the Antonio Remón y Zarco de Valle General Engineering Chair was held online with the title "Outer space: Technologies and Systems for a New Conflict Scenario."

This Isdefe special interest course was sponsored by the company as it focuses on the heart of Isdefe's activities and saw Jesús Alonso Martín, Isdefe's Business Development Director, and Isaac Domínguez Santos, Isdefe's Space and Technological Centres Director feature as speakers.

Thu, 01 Jul 2021
"Agreement to strengthen implementation of Agenda 2030 between the Secretary of State for Agenda 2030 and 18 public entities and companies.

On 30 June Isdefe CEO Francisco Quereda, along with the director of the Governance, Transparency and Quality Department, Teresa Gerique, and the head of CSR, Rocío Beltrán, attended the ceremony to sign the Collaboration Agreement in compliance with AGENDA 2030.

Thu, 01 Jul 2021
5G for Tactical CIS: The Application of 5G Technologies and Services to the Defence Sphere

On June 22 the Foundation for Military Arts and Sciences organized a videoconference under the theme "The Application of 5G Technologies and Services to the Defence Sphere", moderated by Isdefe engineers Mr. Guillermo González Muñoz, in charge of the technological prospecting area; and Mr. Álvaro Cañas Arranz, both in Industrial Technological Management.

5G is the new wireless communications technology for the transmission of data between devices and other types of systems with an Internet connection.

Tue, 22 Jun 2021
Isdefe takes part in the 2nd Workshop for companies on the technological project of the Army Logistics Base.

On 9 June, the city of Córdoba hosted the 2nd Workshop for companies on the technological project of the Army Logistics Base, in which engineer Santiago Adán, from Isdefe's Department of Consulting and Strategic Management Processes, participated.

The event was inaugurated by the rector of the University of Córdoba, Mr José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, and by the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Francisco Javier Varela Salas.
