icono ISDEFE, INTA and INECO agree to work together on the challenges facing the space industry.

ISDEFE, INTA and INECO agree to work together on the challenges facing the space industry.

ISDEFE, INTA and INECO agree to work together on the challenges facing the space industry.

The European Union is drafting a new law to create the Union’s Space Programme and the European Union’s Agency for the Space Programme.

In light of this, ISDEFE INTA and INECO have signed an agreement to jointly develop projects under the framework that is expected to result from this new law.

The three state-run entities have been cooperating on projects involving the management of operations based on GNSS, and now, with this new agreement, the Managing Director of INTA, Mr José María Salom, Ms Carmen Librero, the President of Ineco, and Mr Francisco Quereda, the CEO of ISDEFE, are confronting this new scenario, which they hope will create great opportunities for Spain’s space industry as a whole.