icono Isdefe takes part in the C1b3rWall Academy

Isdefe takes part in the C1b3rWall Academy

Isdefe takes part in the C1b3rWall Academy

Raquel Pastor Pastor, an engineer in the Defence and Security Department’s Office of Surveillance Technologies for Public Safety, was tasked with leading Isdefe’s involvement in the Cyberintelligence-OSINT module of the C1b3rWall Academy, a training activity held as part of project C1b3rWall.

The C1b3rWall project is spearheaded by Spain’s National Police. Created in 2018, the first Digital Security and Cyberintelligence Congress (C1b3rWall) was held in June of last year at the National Police Academy in Ávila (Spain), and was organised by the National Police and the Institute of Forensic and Security Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

This year, due to the pandemic, an online training event was organised, divided into 15 modules dealing with the subjects of cybersecurity and cybercrime, with presentations given by leading experts in the areas in question.

Within her module, the Isdefe engineer discussed intelligence-related subjects: the intelligence cycle; sources and types of intelligence - OSINT; cyberintelligence, operational focus and strategic focus; EU framework programmes - OSINT in the fight against organized crime and terrorism. She also discussed Isdefe’s experience in the COPKIT programme, an intelligence-led early warning and early action system to fight organised crime and terrorism.

Specifically, Isdefe is leading the European Consortium of the COPKIT Project, which is financed by the EU as part of its Horizons 2020 research and innovations programme. Isdefe is collaborating with 17 other European organisations, including law enforcement agencies from eight European countries (with the Civil Guard and National Police representing Spain), in an effort to develop a methodology and a toolkit that allows various types of analysts to produce and share knowledge in a way that leverages the synergies of the different kinds of analyses. The goal is to promote knowledge sharing between these different levels of analysis in order to improve investigation and mitigation capacities. We call this approach "Early Warning (EW) / Early Action (EA) led policing”, and it is the primary goal of COPKIT.

Both types of analysts require tools that help them produce knowledge that is applicable to every step in the intelligence cycle: from data gathering, information extraction and the production of new intelligence and new knowledge, to the construction of models that support the assessment of the specific threat situation and expand it to a forecast to estimate future threats.

Link to the presentation by Raquel Pastor Pastor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsNYky4bqrE&t=233s

Link to C1b3rWall Academy: https://www.ecteg.eu/c1b3rwall-academy-es/