icono Isdefe publishes its 6th Sustainability Annual Report

Isdefe publishes its 6th Sustainability Annual Report

Isdefe publica su 6º Informe Anual de Sostenibilidad correspondiente al ejercicio 2014

One more year, Isdefe publishes its annual report relative to the year 2014, obtaining the same qualification “A” of the GRI International Methodology (Global Reporting Initiative) for Corporate Social Responsibility reporting.


The report reflects Isdefe’s consolidation as the in-house technical services provider to Spanish Public Administration, becoming a technological instrument of reference for The Ministry of Defense, the Spanish Public Administration and other international public bodies, in activities related with defense and security, air transport, ICT, Public Administrations modernization, energetic efficiency, aerospace projects and management of space communication ground stations, and the support to Defense Technological Centers.

The report also underlines the Transparency Portal implementation at Isdefe’s Corporate Webpage, enabling public information access and good governance practices.