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Isdefe and its educational commitment in the area of SystemsEngineering. Conference of the Isdefe Horizons Network: 2nd Generation Lean Thinking

Isdefe and its educational commitment in the area of SystemsEngineering. Conference of the Isdefe Horizons Network: 2nd Generation Lean Thinking

On 20 September, a conference in the Horizons Network series was held at the Isdefe headquarters on: 2nd Generation Lean Thinking. Jesús Alonso, Director of Business Development at Isdefe, was charged with presenting this forum. Jesús spoke of the importance of being at the cutting edge of Systems Engineering and of Isdefe’s commitment to this endeavour.

He also noted that “we (Isdefe) are proud to be hosting this conference series as a leading company in the Defence and Security sector”.

As part of these conferences, Dr. Masa K. Maeda explained how the Lean Methodology is based on the simplicity, agility and effectiveness of systems and on a drive for sustainability. He also provided some examples of how this method can be used in engineering projects and to optimise the time and budgets of those projects to which it is applied.

Maeda closed by adding details of his Serious Leap Methodology, along with his vision of the constructive use of technology by mankind. After his presentation, Jesús Alonso, in concert with Dr. Masa K. Maeda, described Lean Thinking as a way of thinking rather than as a simple methodology.
This novel type of knowledge has applications that can be very useful when managing Systems Engineering projects, an area in which Isdefe is a leader as the Spanish government’s in-house service provider, constantly reinforcing its commitment through innovation.