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Isdefe Assumes the Vice-presidency of the Working Group for the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals

Isdefe Assumes the Vice-presidency of the Working Group for the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals

In collaboration with ADIF, Isdefe has assumed the Vice-presidency of the Working Group on the Collaboration Agreement Between State Entities and Companies and the Secretariat of State for the 2030 Agenda, which strives toward the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals in our country.

At the meeting held on December 22 at the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, the general director of Leverage Policies for the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda, Gabriel Castañares, proposed an annual shift in the vice-presidency, hitherto held by ENAIRE, and a joint vice-presidency between ADIF and Isdefe, in order to share work on the design and scheduling of the plan of activities for 2023.

The position of vice-president was delegated by Isdefe to CSR Head Rocío Beltrán, and by ADIF to Strategic Plan Deputy Director Isabel Gómez.

For Isdefe, holding the vice-presidency constitutes a great but welcome challenge, as it firmly believes in this project, which was devised in 2021 as a Collaboration Agreement, its main objective being to fuse the synergies of companies and public entities to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Public companies and entities are key agents driving the economy, which is why their participation and commitment is fundamental to realise the 2030 Agenda.

During this Working Group's year and a half of work many timely issues have been addressed in the sphere of sustainability, such as responsible public procurement; human rights and due diligence; sustainability indicators and reports; diversity and inclusion; good governance, compliance and transparency.

The vice-presidency of this Working Group in 2023 represents, for Isdefe, a challenge to continue advancing in the commitments made by the company and the important work of transformation that the 2030 Agenda entails.