Working group IST-187, “5G Technologies Application to NATO Operations”, was created in September to allow NATO, through its STO (Science & Technology Organization), to analyse the technology and security aspects of 5G and apply them to military applications.
As a member of Spain’s delegation, along with Army personnel, Isdefe is taking part in this group through Ricardo Alvariño de la Serna, from the Defence and Security Department’s Tactical Platforms and Systems Office.
This new generation of mobile communications has sparked great interest in military circles due to the promising capabilities it holds in this type of scenario.
Along with analysing the new technological capabilities of 5G, this expert group will work to identify potential use cases in which employing 5G provides an operational edge.
The group “IST-187 5G Technologies Application to NATO Operations” contains over thirty members, including representatives from various countries, technology firms, universities and research centres.
The group will be active for three years, and its activities will include technical initiatives and tests involving 5G devices.