The CCN Conferences, organised by the National Cryptological Centre from June 14 to 16 at the Royal Mint of Spain, drew more than 2,000 professionals in the sector.
Under the title "Encuentros CCN - Un escudo único para la Administración" (CCN Conferences, A Single Seal for the Administration) and four thematic modules - “IV Encuentro del ENS”, “XI Jornada del SAT”, “II Encuentro de la Red Nacional de SOC” and “I Encuentro QTEC” - the latest developments in each of the activities were addressed.
In addition to its collaboration on the event, a group of Isdefe engineers also participated in it, both in person and remotely, mainly from the Information Security departments of the Directorate of Technological Modernization and Digital Transformation within Isdefe's Security department.
Of great interest, the conference addressed the main aspects of the National Security Framework (Spain’s ENS), with a special emphasis on the recent regulatory decree, as well as taking a detailed look at the most important tools of the National Cryptological Center and the new National Network of SOCs (Security Operation Centres), instruments "to coordinate collaboration and exchanges of information between the Cybersecurity Operation Centres in Spain's Spanish public sector", which aroused special interest in the European Union.
The CCN 2022 Conferences were opened by the former Secretary of State for Defence, and now the Director of Spain's National Intelligence Center, Esperanza Casteleiro; and the president-director of the FNMT (Mint) Ms. Isabel Valldecabres, who stressed the importance of jointly tackling the challenge of cybersecurity and the unprecedented project of the National SOC Network in Europe.