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Training and Education at Isdefe to Tackle the COVID-19 Crisis

Training and Education at Isdefe to Tackle the COVID-19 Crisis

The company's Training and Education Unit has adjusted its activity to provide employees with the training and skills necessary to adapt to different ways of working (telecommuting, remote work, shifts, etc.) with a view to maintaining activity and sustaining the services that Isdefe provides.

This effort is based on three keys:

.- Training in telework skills.

.- The conversion of training slated to online mode, and the expansion of the range of courses offered to employees.

.- Transformation of those courses designed to be taught in person to the e-live mode (in real time), with different videoconference tools.

All this rounds out the activities that were already being carried out through different online platforms, including prestigious universities’ assive Online Open Courses (MooCs).

This training and learning programme has benefitted more than 600 staff, who have used the different materials available to train and learn how to engage in "more effective teleworking", acquire skills with 2.0 tools, and continue training they had already begun.