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This document is 2015 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon ISDEFE-Resumen-Ejecutivo-2015-ing-opt (1).pdf


This document is 2015 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon ISDEFE-Annual Report 2015.pdf

This document is 2014 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon AnnuaReport_2014_english.pdf

This document is the summary 2014 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon AnnualReport_ExecutiveSummary_2014_english.pdf


This document is 2013 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon InformeAnual_ResumenEjecutivo_2013.pdf


This document is the summary 2013 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon InformeAnual_ResumenEjecutivo_2013.pdf


This document is 2012 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon Informe Anual_2012_optimizado.pdf


This document is the summary 2012 Isdefe Annual Report, where the corporate governance of the company and the performance throughout the year is reported alongside its threefold: economic, social and environmental.

PDF icon Informe Anual_ResumenEjecutivo_2012_optimizado.pdf