Space | ISDEFE

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Isdefe' s experience dates back to 1992, when it began to engage in activities for the operation and maintenance of space centres. It performs engineering activities and provides services related to the definition, design, development, management, operation and maintenance of space complexes.

Aerospace activity is characterized by having to permanently deal with new and increasingly complex technologies, and possessing the requisite scientific and technological knowledge, which calls for a continuous effort with regards to development, innovation, and team training.

Isdefe guarantees said services with the highest levels of quality. Our listing of clients – including NASA, ESA, INTA, the European Commission, satellite operators and agencies, as well as Ministries of Defence, Development and Foreign Affairs, among others - speaks for itself.

The two main areas framed in this sector encompass the entire life cycle of Aerospace Programs:

  • Space Stations and Infrastructures
  • Satellite Applications

Our Clients