icono The Cátedra Isdefe-UPM collaborates in the III Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad

The Cátedra Isdefe-UPM collaborates in the III Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad

The Cátedra Isdefe-UPM collaborates in the III Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad

Organized by the Escuela Naval Militar de Marín, DESEi + d's main objective is to become a meeting point and exchange of successful experiences between the various actors in the field of research and development in defense and security. Its participants come from universities, government agencies, enterprises and specialized laboratories.

Among the current technological priorities, the development of new technologies and innovations to strengthen capacities at the national and international levels is contemplated. This requires enhancing and promoting the use of such existing research in civil matters, whose results represent a significant advancement of knowledge in the incorporation of new approaches and methodologies, otherwise unattainable, in defense and security applications. For this reason, the projects to be exhibited meet criteria of scientific and technological interest, technical and formal quality, and cooperation among different entities.

Started in 2013, the Cátedra Isdefe-UPM collaborates since its beginnings in this initiative promoted by the Ministry of Defence’ s Directorate General of Armament and Material (DGAM). The conference will take place on 19 and 20 November at the Escuela Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra).

Should you need more information, do not hesitate to visit: DESEi + d