icono Isdefe contributes to Strategy Paper “Cybersecurity: Public-Private Cooperation”

Isdefe contributes to Strategy Paper “Cybersecurity: Public-Private Cooperation”

Isdefe contributes to Strategy Paper “Cybersecurity: Public-Private Cooperation”

Óscar Pastor, head of Critical Systems and Infrastructure Security at Isdefe’s Defence and Security Office, collaborates on the Strategy Paper “Professional Qualifications and Specialised Training in Cybersecurity”. He co-wrote Chapter 8 with José Javier Martínez, a professor in the Computer Science Department at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares’ School of Computer Engineering.

The main goal of this Strategy Paper is to identify current and future trends in the area of cybersecurity. It also proposes public-private cooperation in cybersecurity as a viable option for yielding the maximum technological, financial and social benefits.

This paper is published by the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE), part of the Centre for Higher National Defence Studies (CESEDEN). It is edited by the Technical Office of the Ministry of Defence.

 Both co-authors are involved in technology foresight activities in the area of cybersecurity as part of Isdefe’s Horizons Network and the Cybersecurity Observatory, created by Isdefe and the Computer Science Department at the Universidad de Alcalá. 

Isdefe’s Horizons Network is a foresight platform conceived to be an idea laboratory that promotes the exchange of knowledge by bringing together national and international academic experts. 

The Horizons Network is a source of technology foresight projects in coordination with other organisations, which allows for the fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences that promote excellence and the transfer of knowledge.