icono Isdefe volunteers celebrate Christmas with children from the Masnatur Foundation

Isdefe volunteers celebrate Christmas with children from the Masnatur Foundation

Isdefe volunteers celebrate Christmas with children from the Masnatur Foundation

The fourth edition of the Masnatur Foundation Christmas Party, organised by Isdefe at the Hotel Ilunion Pío XII, which is accessible to all, was held on 17 December.

Forty-seven children from the Foundation enjoyed this event, along with Isdefe and Masnatur volunteers, as they took in a busy schedule of events, singing and dancing. The party featured a visit from St. Nick, who gave each child a bag of gifts purchased with funds raised during charity drives held by the company’s employees.

Masnatur is a foundation that aims to promote the full development of people with disabilities, especially children and young people, through leisure activities in order to support their families.

Through these activities Isdefe tries to provide value to society by taking part in charity projects while at the same time offering its employees the option to volunteer for a day.