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Signature of a Framework Partnership Agreement with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Signature of a Framework Partnership Agreement with the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

On 4th November took place the signing of a framework cooperation agreement between Isdefe and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The agreement is part of the initiative of Isdefe’ s project “Horizons”, establishing a new line of joint work with the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales to develop foresight and technology watch work in the field of management and economics of the public sector, especially in the field of defense and security.

Jornada 50 aniversario del traslado al Campus de Moncloa ETSIT

Jornada 50 aniversario del traslado al Campus de Moncloa ETSIT

Isdefe anuncia un esquema de desarrollo de prospectiva tecnológica para constituir un “laboratorio de ideas” apoyado en grupos de investigación académica.

Francisco Quereda, Consejero Delegado de Isdefe, participó en la jornada "Retos y oportunidades de la I+D+i en los nuevos escenarios de la Defensa y la Seguridad".


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