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5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D (DESEi+d )

5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D (DESEi+d )

The Toledo Infantry Academy will host the 5th edition of the DESEi+d Congress, which will be held from 22 to 24 November. The event, organised by the Directorate General for Armaments and Materiel’s (DGAM) Subdirectorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation will feature the Directorate General for Military Recruitment and Education (DIGEREM), Isdefe and the Defence University Centres.

1st Workshop on “Security Technology Foresight”

1st Workshop on “Security Technology Foresight”

This workshop, organised by the University Institute for Research on Internal Security (IUISI), the Civil Guard’s Analysis and Foresight Centre (CAP) and Isdefe, will be held on 20 June.

The goal of the workshop, which will be held in the Isdefe assembly hall, is to present the approaches taken by the Civil Guard and Isdefe to technology foresight, to raise awareness of the challenges facing us in the area of new technologies, and to present some of the lines of work currently being developed by both organisations.


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