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5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D (DESEi+d )

5th National Congress on Defence and Security R&D (DESEi+d )

The Toledo Infantry Academy will host the 5th edition of the DESEi+d Congress, which will be held from 22 to 24 November. The event, organised by the Directorate General for Armaments and Materiel’s (DGAM) Subdirectorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation will feature the Directorate General for Military Recruitment and Education (DIGEREM), Isdefe and the Defence University Centres.

The main goals of this 5th National Congress, which brings together universities, companies, laboratories, technology centres and institutions, include meeting the needs of the Armed Forces through the incorporation of new technologies that provide an operational advantage, and improving their military capabilities.

The Congress has become an important gathering for presenting the results of recent work related to defence and security from a technological and scientific standpoint. It facilitates the exchange of experiences, ideas and research projects in various branches of knowledge. The period for receiving abstracts is open until 16 June.

Since its foundation, Isdefe has taken part and actively cooperated in organising this initiative, creating the Isdefe “Antonio Torres” Award for R&D in 2016, as part of its commitment to excellence in innovation.