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3rd IUISI Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop, in collaboration with Isdefe

3rd IUISI Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop, in collaboration with Isdefe

The 3rd Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop on “Sustainability trends and plans”, organised by the University Institute for Research on Domestic Security (IUISI), was held on 30 March at the headquarters of Spain’s Civil Guard.

The purpose of this event was to train, inform and raise awareness on the process of implementing socially responsible corporate policies in the world of government and in the corporate world.
This theme provided a connecting thread, taking as a starting point the CSR policies currently in place in government agencies and presenting the trends that prevail when adopting sustainability plans and sharing experiences.

The event was opened by the Assistant Personnel Director of the Civil Guard, Mr José Luis Ulla Rega, and the Director of the IUISI, Ms Estefanía Castro.

Representing the Spanish government at the workshop were Mr Florentino Alonso Relan, Assistant Adjunct Director of Labour Relations at the Public Service General Directorate (MINHAFP), and Mr Juan Manuel Sánchez-Terán Lledó, Assistant Adjunct Director of Social Economy and CSR (MEYSS). The workshop also featured German Granda, General Manager of Forética, who gave a presentation on trends in implementing sustainability plans in corporate settings.

 Isdefe took part in this event through the involvement of its Business Director, Mr Alonso Martín, in the roundtable on “Experience in developing strategic CSR plans”, where he presented Isdefe’s CSR strategy.  Commander José Ángel López Malo, of the DGCG’s Technical Office, spoke at this same roundtable on the Civil Guard’s CSR policy and strategies.