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Awarding ceremony of the Premios a la Excelencia en el Mantenimiento y Seguridad del Ejército del Aire

Awarding ceremony of the Premios a la Excelencia en el Mantenimiento y Seguridad del Ejército del Aire

Isdefe, in its desire to enhance the quality of its technology and engineering services, has collaborated with the awarding of the Premios a la Excelencia en el Mantenimiento y Seguridad del Ejército del Aire. The aim of the awards is to reward staff for facts or relevant acts during the development of its mission in different fields of the service.


Among the eighteen different types of awards for excellence, they are included those related to the maintenance of facilities and systems, air security, safe handling of weapons, or the prevention of occupational hazards.

Isdefe’s Director of Operations, José Manuel Hesse Martín, jointly with General Moises Álvaro Fernandez, director of the Dirección de Ingeniería e Infraestructuras del Mando de Apoyo Logístico (MALOG) del Ejército del Aire, presented the “Engineering” individual award to Teniente Coronel D. Eduardo José Corugedo Bermejo from MALOG. In addition, Isdefe’s engineer Silvia Marcos Blasco, technical advisor at MALOG, received the “Supply” Price from the hands of the Airbus group.

The ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Air Force and was chaired by the Jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército del Aire, accompanied by numerous civil and military authorities.