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“Building the Future”, Course on Intelligence Foresight for Security, held at Isdefe

“Building the Future”, Course on Intelligence Foresight for Security, held at Isdefe

Isdefe hosted at its headquarters the 4th Workshop on Security Foresight, “Building the Future”, organised by the Civil Guard’s Analysis and Foresight Centre (CAP) in concert with the University Institute for Research on Domestic Security (IUISI). The event took place in the Isdefe Conference Hall on 14, 15 and 16 June.

The workshop began with opening remarks by Isdefe’s Director of Business Development, who underscored the importance of foresight as a discipline in our society. He was followed by the Director of the IUISI, Ms. Fanny Castro-Rial.

The event was attended by various players from civilian society, members of Spain’s law enforcement agencies, representatives from the Spanish government, students and leading private security and technology firms in the industry.

The main goal of the workshops, which featured a decidedly interactive component for participants, was to lay out the vision for 2030 developed by the Civil Guard’s Analysis and Foresight Centre, which considered the main challenges facing security in the future and determined the new capabilities that will be required to succeed in this area.

The Director of Operations of the GEES Group, Mr. Diego Miranda, noted the efforts being made by the staffs of the CAP, IUISI and ISdefe. Finally, in his closing remarks, Jesús Alonso thanked both the organisers and the attendees for the smooth operation and success of the workshops.