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Isdefe participates in the conference on the financial control of the Special Armament Programs

Isdefe participates in the conference on the financial control of the Special Armament Programs

Isdefe will attend the technical conference on financial control of Special Armament Programs, that will take place on December 11 in CESEDEN, Paseo de la Castellana, 61 (Madrid). Angel Sanz Sanz, director of Strategic Consulting and Processes, will participate with the paper "El Gestor de Riesgos como pieza clave en la utilización de la Matriz".

The variety and complexity of Defense programs, the large amount of cost centers, by the time the major economic volumes that are managed require a very strict control and monitoring of the accomplishment with the objectives and programs effectively and efficiently. Organized by Grupo Atenéa, the goal will be to treat risk control through the audit, registration and risk matrix, as instruments for monitoring the evolution of large programs.

Should you need more information, do not hesitate to visit: www.ateneaeventos.es