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Isdefe sponsors Fundación Masnatur’s Christmas Party

 Isdefe sponsors Fundación Masnatur’s Christmas Party

As part of the corporate volunteer activities organized by Isdefe, last Saturday the 12th took place a new event with the Kids of Fundación Masnatur in order to celebrate Christmas. 

Over a hundred people gathered at Madrid’s  Ilunión Pius XII hotel, which belongs to ONCE, including children and volunteers from both Isdefe and Fundación Masnatur. During the event the beneficiaries had the opportunity to enjoy different games and activities including dances, costumes, karaoke and the always awaited presence of Santa Claus giving gifts and enthusiasm in this special celebration.

Masnatur seeks to promote the integral development of disabled people, especially children and young people, through leisure activities, to provide support to their families.

Through these activities, Isdefe’s purpose is to add value to society by sponsoring charitable initiatives as well as offering an opportunity for its employees to participate in such activities.