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Isdefe takes part in the annual INCOSE Symposium

Isdefe takes part in the annual INCOSE Symposium

For the second time, Isdefe took part in the International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), which was held in the Australian city of Adelaide from 15 to 20 July.

The event is an annual gathering of experts in systems engineering, professionals in the field and members of academia, as well as of solutions providers and companies from different sectors, including Defence and Security.

During the Symposium, Andrés Cabanillas, Head of Isdefe’s Observatory for Systems Engineering, and Belinda Misiego, from the Business Development Department, took part in the session of the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board (CAB), during which they had an opportunity to discuss Isdefe’s capabilities and its ties to the discipline of systems engineering since its foundation.

The Symposium featured several panels and conferences on various topics such as requirement engineering, modelling, simulation, integration, verification and validation and risk management.

During the event, consideration was also given to several future challenges that systems engineering will have to address, such as cybersecurity, the internet of things and interoperability.