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Launch of the European COPKIT Project

Launch of the european COPKIT project

Isdefe is hosting the initial meeting and launch of the European COPKIT Project, a new intelligence ecosystem to fight against terrorism and organised crime.

The primary purpose of the COPKIT Project, led by Isdefe and co-financed with EU funds from the H2020 initiative, is to create an intelligence and knowledge ecosystem for law enforcement agencies (LEA) in an effort to prevent, investigate and mitigate the use of new information and communication technologies by organised crime and terrorist groups by developing an early alert/early action system.

The project poses the challenge of being at the cutting edge of new technology developments in order to anticipate and prevent the actions of terrorist groups and organised crime organisations.

The project is being coordinated by Raquel Pastor, who works at Isdefe’s Department of Surveillance Technologies for Public Safety.

The project is a consortium of fifteen companies and public agencies in the member states: Thales Nederland BV (Netherlands); IBM Ireland Limited (Ireland); Trilateral Research LTD (United Kingdom); Legind Technologies AS (Denmark); the University of Granada (Spain); Kentro Meleton Asfaleias (Greece); Law & Internet Foundation (Bulgaria); AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology GMBH (Austria), Ministry of Interior (Spain), University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Legal Affairs in Bavaria (Germany), Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane (Romania), Glavna Direktsia Borba S Organiziranata Prestupnost, (Bulgaria), Police of Latvia , Ministry of Interior (France) and the Federal Police of Belgium. EUROPOL, the European Police Agency, is the head of the COPKIT Advisory Board.

Present at the meetings were some forty experts and researchers from the consortium who presented and addressed the various tasks and specific functions that will make up the project during its three-year duration.