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Isdefe contributes to the 5th Workshop on International Joint Operations with “The methodological contribution and technology of Systems Engineering”

Isdefe contributes to the 5th Workshop on International Joint Operations with “The methodological contribution and technology of Systems Engineering”

The 5th Workshop on International Joint Operations was held between 30 May and 1 June at the University of Alicante’s School of Law.

Sponsored jointly by the Civil Guard General Directorate and the National Distance Learning University (UNED), through the Institute for Internal Security Research (IUISI), this year’s edition focused on the situation at the European Union’s external borders, how joint international operations are conducted and how to promote the exchange of know-how and experiences in the area of public security.

Isdefe presenta la ponencia “U-SPACE and drone integration in controlled airspace” en UNVEX Security & Defence

Isdefe presenta la ponencia “U-SPACE and drone integration in controlled airspace” en UNVEX Security & Defence

UNVEX el encuentro de referencia dedicado a vehículos aéreos no tripulados fue inaugurado por el el secretario de Estado de Defensa D. Agustín Conde y ha reunido entre los días 29 a 31 de mayo a 82 ponentes y más de 5.000 participantes procedentes del entorno europeo de la defensa y pertenecientes a instituciones, fuerzas armadas, empresas del sector, expertos y profesionales.


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