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Current affairs

Isdefe at the 11th Seminar: Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications

Thu, 20 Sep 2018
Isdefe at the 11th Seminar: Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications

The 11th Seminar on “Satellites as a key element for security, defence and government applications” was held at the Cantabria Science and Technology Park in Santander from 5 to 7 September. The Seminar was hosted by Hisdesat and AMETIC.

The conferences and roundtables at this year’s seminar dealt with the current status of satellite government services.

The seminar was opened by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (JEMACON), Admiral Francisco Javier González-Huix Fernández, and closed by the Secretary of State for Defence, Mr Ángel Olivares Ramírez.

Isdefe at the 13th Scientific Gathering of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA)

Mon, 06 Aug 2018
Isdefe at the 13th Scientific Gathering of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA)

Isdefe, which has considerable experience and know-how in the field of astrophysics and space sciences, took part yet again this year in the congress organised by the Spanish Astronomical Society and which hosted its 13th scientific gathering.

The event, held in Salamanca from 16 to 20 July, brought together most of Spain’s astrophysics community and featured more than 400 professional astronomers.

Summer Course at the Universidad de León on Monitoring and Tracking Space Debris

Thu, 19 Jul 2018
Summer Course at the Universidad de León on Monitoring and Tracking Space Debris

On Thursday, 10 July, as part of the summer courses programme at the Universidad de León, a workshop was held on “Spanish contributions to the programme to monitor and track space debris”. This workshop was opened by the Rector, Mr Juan Francisco García Marín. During the course, speakers from the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces, the CDTI, the Universidad de León and representatives from leading companies in the sector considered the various challenges stemming the threats posed to satellites by objects in near-Earth orbits (such as space debris).

Isdefe takes part in the CESEDEN summer course on “The Evolution of Defence R&D in Spain by 2020”

Thu, 19 Jul 2018
Isdefe takes part in the CESEDEN summer course on “The Evolution of Defence R&D in Spain by 2020”

The course, organised by CESEDEN along with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, was held from 16 to 18 July and featured Isdefe and public and private agencies involved with defence technology. One of the goals of the event was to introduce and discuss the opportunities derived from the European Union’s involvement in defence.

Launch of the European COPKIT Project

Wed, 18 Jul 2018
Launch of the european COPKIT project

Isdefe is hosting the initial meeting and launch of the European COPKIT Project, a new intelligence ecosystem to fight against terrorism and organised crime.

The primary purpose of the COPKIT Project, led by Isdefe and co-financed with EU funds from the H2020 initiative, is to create an intelligence and knowledge ecosystem for law enforcement agencies (LEA) in an effort to prevent, investigate and mitigate the use of new information and communication technologies by organised crime and terrorist groups by developing an early alert/early action system.
