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Thu, 22 Apr 2021
Isdefe first entity to sign the Not-for-Profit Framework Agreement of the NATO Communications and Information Agency - NCIA

On July 28, 2020, the Supervisory Council of the NATO Communications and Information Organization approved the first Not-For-Profit Framework programme (NFP) with the aim of complementing the cooperation and contracting frameworks between the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) and industry by establishing a new model for cooperation between the NCIA and not-for-profit organisations.

Thu, 08 Apr 2021
Over 600 registered for the Industry Outreach Conference: European Defence Fund: Ministry Priorities

The conference, organised by the Joint Staff (EMACON) and the Directorate General of Armament and Materiel (DGAM), in partnership with Isdefe, was held on 26 March and dealt with the national priorities for the European Defence Fund (EDF). Over 600 professionals registered for the conference, which featured more than 420 simultaneous attendees from Spain’s industry, as well as from various universities and research centres.

Wed, 31 Mar 2021
Round table: "The importance of the Spanish aeronautical industry as an engine of the economy and for the distribution of European funds in the sector"

Isdefe participated in a round table on "the importance of the Spanish aeronautical industry as an engine of the economy and for the distribution of European funds in the sector" organised by Spain’s Official College of Aeronautical Engineers (COIAE) within the framework of the virtual conference on "The Value of the Aeronautical Sector", held on Thursday, March 18.

Tue, 30 Mar 2021
"Tools for Transformation in Public Administrations.”

On March 16 the Excellence in Management Club’s Public Administrations Exchange Forum organised a webinar to present the "Tools for Transformation in Public Administrations" publication.

The Forum, coordinated by the General Directorate of Public Governance (Ministry of Territorial Policy and Civil Service), has drawn up this practical guide, which provides two tools that bolster transformation through innovative, sustainable and excellent management: the new EFQM Model and the Framework for Institutional Transformation.

Wed, 24 Mar 2021
Jesús Alonso appointed Member of the Academy of Military Arts and Sciences

Isdefe’s Director of Business Development, Mr Jesús Alonso, was recently named “Corresponding Member” of the Academy of Military Arts and Sciences (ACAMI).

Born in Valladolid in 1962, Mr Jesús Alonso Martín received his Bachelor’s in Aeronautical Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, his MBA from the Instituto de Empresa (Madrid) and a degree in Business Planning and Administration from the Centre for Business Planning and Administration Studies of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
